Contact us for upgraded knowledge
or full scale business with fish and greens in focus
We design, build, support and monitor your landbased aquaculture units
If you plan aquaculture in the city or countryside is of equal interest for us. We will guide you through the process with design, choice of fish, permits, environmental assessment, planning and building. We can also train your staff and build your system for slaughter and processing. Pond have long experience from city planning and we will of course engage in your efforts to anchor the project in your region/community

Design, construction and management of Fish-in-a-box
Pond has designed land based aquaculture systems for shipping containers. Technical operation I almost exactly the same compared to an ordinary system in a building. Fish-in-a-box gives specific advantages. Establishing the container in city block I much easier than e.g. setting up a new building. Then system can be delivered ready to be hooked up to water and power. Theres a good reason that war zones, refugee camp, field hospitals and many other function in challenging landscapes are based in containers. The price for a container system is about equal to that of a stationary system. Fish health is equal and performance in term of growth is equal. Note that Pond was part of the winning team that won Swedens biggest international innovation contest! Ponds part was to present fish and greens in three Swedish cities. Our winning proposal was Fish-in-a-box! We have also presented Fish-in-a-box for several UN-organiation in East Africa. Contact us for more information!
Lecture about better fish like clarias and tilapia
World Bank, FAO and many others say that the future belongs to omnivores (eat everything) and herbivores (plant eaters). Pond will present the future fish explain why they are a better option than most fish present in public kitchens and restaurant. We will also talk about how the fish connects to agriculture, horticulture, city parks, residual heat and waste streams. Fun and important. Come to us in Floda and meet the fish or we come to you (without fish).

Kitchen Work shop with clarias and tilapia
This work shop takes of in a presentation like above about our future fish for schools, restaurants and households. But we meet in Floda with 25 meters between the fihs and the restaurant. Here we have acces to an exclusive Food studio where we divide in teams and work with these fishes that are new to most. After cooking we eat together and discuss what we just experienced. Some of the best chefs with long experience from “new fish” join us cooking
Mapping your city or region
to find locations for land based aquaculture
Ponds experience will help you map the possibilities to build a unit for aquaculture corresponding to agriculture, horticulture and other green systems. We have experience from working for big cities and smaller and we have good knowledge about aquaculture technology, biology, how to run fish farms, system analysis (how fish and green correspond to other infrastructure like waste management). We also have first hand experience from working in environments where politics meets planning and doing.

We deliver fish to public and private sector
Pond won the first contract to deliver clarias to a group of three cities in West Sweden. Public procurement is important as one should expect public kitchens to be the first to welcome sustainable fish like clarias. All Swedish municipalities know that the national program for nutrition (and their own goals) say that more fish should be served the kids and eelderly. Pone problem I that kids often don’t like fish. We know that when these kid stry meatballs from clarias they love it! Price is of course higher for land based clarias than for the cheapest fish from an overfished ocean. 75 percent om the Swedish landings of wild fish in Sweden derive from fish stocks that are overfished! If you want to learn more about how you an introduce sustainable fish in your schools and elderly care give us a ring!